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Oct 6, 2022

Want To Retain Your Car’s Value? Don’t Do These 7 Things

Key Takeaways:

  • Current auto market trends are very favorable towards used car buyers & sellers.
  • Regular auto maintenance, be it DIY or at a local dealership, can save you much in the long run & enhance your car’s value on resale.
  • Certain practices & auto mods are essential in enhancing & maintaining your car’s value.
  • Always consult an auto technician before you make any significant auto mods to enhance the value of your car for resale – not all mods are beneficial.
  • Never alter or conceal the vehicle history details, as it can negatively impact your car’s resale value.

There is an insane list of things to keep in mind while maintaining your car’s value for later resale or trade-in plans. Regardless of a car’s value zeroing out after a decade of use, your car can still sell out at a reasonable price if you have been dedicated to a car care routine. Oh, you think we’re baiting you? Let’s back up the benefits of a car sale with the current auto market trends.

Car Ownership Trends Are Evolving.

People are leaning towards car leasing & used car buying more than considering outright auto financing.

71{0000de51c6c4c2cbc9e2e5b1f82e1b6f6ef093a955a2578688e5a3ee1cb0c22d} of auto buyers focus on car prices as the trigger point for more consideration regarding a car sale – new car prices are a deterrent.

Online car buying is an increasing norm across North American & European nations concerning used car sales because people in the middle-income strata find it affordable, trustworthy, & convenient.

Nearly 48{0000de51c6c4c2cbc9e2e5b1f82e1b6f6ef093a955a2578688e5a3ee1cb0c22d} of car owners reported lapsing their car maintenance routines because of the pandemic. Still, an astounding 49{0000de51c6c4c2cbc9e2e5b1f82e1b6f6ef093a955a2578688e5a3ee1cb0c22d} are already into auto maintenance to preserve their car’s value.

Nearly 69{0000de51c6c4c2cbc9e2e5b1f82e1b6f6ef093a955a2578688e5a3ee1cb0c22d} of Americans reported in 2019 that they would opt for a used car for their next car purchase – in 2022, used car sales have topped 43 million, nearly 3 times more than new car sales!

How Do You Benefit From This Information?

If you are an existing car owner and want to sell your car to invest in a newer or different model, the market trends are in your favor. The catch is that you must be a dedicated player in maintaining your car’s value for resale. 

If you are regular with your car care routine, all is well. If you have lapsed a bit, a mix of DIY & professional auto servicing will spruce up your car for sale in as little time as possible.

But there are things you must avoid doing to your car if you want your car to reap a worthy value on resale.

Also, read: 5 Reasons You Should Prefer a Dealership’s Auto Shop!

Maintaining Your Car’s Value – The 7 Don’ts Of Auto Value Care

  1. Don’t Cheap Out On Maintenance

Wash & wax your car to the extent that you can see your reflection on the trunk. If you think a cheap wash & wax shampoo will cut it DIY – you’re in for many expenses for body paint restoration. Auto services might look expensive, but it takes only two professional wax coats to last a year. That’s better than repetitive DIY car wax disasters that will cost you longer.

  1. Don’t Ignore Vehicle Aesthetics

Avoid using those telemarketer magic scratch erasers, DIY enamel, or resin to fill out deeper scratches that have cut through the paint. Let a body shop PDR the heck out of them. You can work on polishing the alloy wheels, rims, and plastic car trims, buffing the headlights & tail lights. Ensure the car’s exterior is decent for its age. Aesthetics are crucial to a used car sale markup.

  1. Don’t Forgo Regular Deep Clean

Car interiors can become a hotbed for germs if not cleaned out thoroughly. If you want your car to rank high on resale in the future, you better start budgeting for a wet & dry vacuum service at your local dealership once every couple of months. That way, you get fresh & fragrant interiors.

If you want to do some cleaning yourself, you can invest in a car vacuum for the interiors. Or you can pop the hood and wash the engine bay. We have a DIY guide laid out just for you!

  1. Don’t Misplace Auto Documentation

If you want to avoid awkward questions during the sale, you better document all of your car’s history. Yes, Carfax does record your car’s servicing history. Still, suppose you want a more accurate record of how well you have been maintaining your car’s value. In that case, you keep all your service receipts, MOT, auto logs & maintenance documents in one place.

  1. Don’t Trust Private Hagglers

It’s good practice to have an auto mechanic regularly sound your car so you know it is performing optimally. Now, sometimes private buyers might try to undermine the rightful vehicle markup and offer you a lesser sum than the car is worth. Trust your research and avoid getting into haggling.

  1. Don’t Smoke In The Vehicle

Nicotine & smoke deposits do take their toll on the interior of a car. You might not notice it until you do – the upholstery is coated in strange yellow grime that’s easy to remove. It’s the smell you won’t be able to get rid of. 

Buyers, even authorized local dealerships, will knock off a couple of hundred dollars for a clean car that smells like a cigarette factory. Even the HVAC is affected by the cigarette smoke deposits.

  1. Don’t Lie On The Forms

If you have all your car documents and bodywork history, and your car suffered an accident that required reworking – don’t conceal that fact. Carfax reports indicating accident/collision history can affect resale prices. Still, it’s better to come clean about it rather than leave it to capable auto technicians to catch you lying on the forms. That can lead to sale cancelation altogether.

How To Enhance The Resale Markup On Your Car?

Not all auto mods add value to a car or enhance its value. So, if you need to boost the resale value of your car with aftermarket accessories or changes, these are the safest approaches:

  • Invest in an infotainment system with a GPS. Preferably Apple CarPlay compatible.
  • Switch out the old tires with weather-specific types or opt for an eco-range.
  • Switching the old terry for leather upholstery with interior lighting is a valuable mod.
  • Electric or power window upgrades or motorized side-view mirrors are ideal upgrades.
  • Add a dashcam with a GPS mount, which might make your buyer’s day.

You might hear about how adding a body kit can enhance a car’s value. Still, the truth is that it suits certain cars, usually the sports or performance categories. 

Consult with our auto technicians & mechanics before you proceed with such a major modification. The same is advised for engine performance modifications.

Also, read: Are Modified Automobiles Worth the Money?

Sell or Trade-In?

If that question bothers you, the simplest way to resolve it is to find the utility in both options with respect to maintaining your car’s value. In a resale, you can sell to a private buyer, an individual, a friend, or an authorized local dealership. Only one of these is going to benefit you in a secure sale with minimal haggling, and you already know which one it is.

In a trade-in, you might be duped by a private buyer. Still, an authorized dealership will recognize your car’s value and help you put it up as a down payment for a new car or a lease, or it might be good enough for a switch!

Need Car Service? Need To Trade In A Car? You’re Welcome Here!

Yuma Honda, serving Yuma, AZ, deals in an outstanding range of new Honda, used vehicles, and breath-taking CPOs. We also have a fully-loaded auto center with trained auto technicians. We also cater to bad-debt financing for aspiring car owners. If you have a date with a car resale, we can help spruce your ride up for an impression that rakes in thousands. And, we’ll take your car in for a profitable trade-in if you visit us for a consult!

Get in touch with us or schedule a service; we’d be happy to help you get the most out of your car resale!