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Feb 22, 2022

3 Types of Car Transmissions And What's Best for You

Many people are overwhelmed by the number of options available when they go to buy modern vehicles. There are numerous benefits of owning an automobile that is impossible to do without. However, choosing the right car depends on what each individual wants out of their vehicle. Some factors to consider are cost, size, style, and function. 

Yuma Honda has written this guide to help you decide which transmission is best for you.

Which Transmission is Best for You?

Do you want a truck for all that heavy lifting? Do you need something small to navigate crowded city streets? Is it most important that the interior be roomy enough for several passengers? There are pros and cons with each type of automobile; knowing these will help you make an informed decision when choosing which car is best suited to meet your needs.

It depends on what you want to do with your car. An automatic transmission will give you more ease to drive around your vehicle, but they are somehow expensive and not as fuel-efficient as manual transmissions due to the weight of the equipment inside. 

Manual transmissions are less expensive and easier to maintain but less common in newer cars, leaving them harder to find mechanics for if something goes wrong with your vehicle. However, a manual transmission may save you gas costs since there is no need for a clutch mechanism.

To decide which type of transmission is right for you, it’s helpful to understand all three types: automatic, manual, and semi-automatic (a combination of both).

Transmission refers to the gears and mechanisms that connect an engine to a drive axle. 

Automatic Transmission

Automatic transmissions use hydraulic pressure to shift gears – this is why you may hear a whirring, whining sound when someone shifts into the park in your car. Today, some cars have manual transmissions, but they are becoming less common as automakers invest in technology to operate semi-automatic and fully automatic gearboxes.

Manual Transmission

A manual transmission requires the driver to change gears by shifting a stick or lever into different positions, known as gears. The output of power from the engine then goes directly onto the drivetrain attached to wheels via a differential mechanism. The driver controls this way, both the speed and torque of the car.

Auto Manual Transmission

An automatic transmission (AT) makes an automobile’s gearbox operate automatically. As the name implies, an AMT was designed to automate manual transmissions; hence, the act of pushing down on a stick and changing gears using a knob does not fall to the driver. 

So, Which transmission is Best for You? 

There is no right or wrong answer to this question.

It all comes down to your driving habits and how much you are willing to pay for a transmission upgrade. While the manual transmission is the cheapest, it might not be best for you if you often drive on highways or deal with steep inclines. In that case, you either should stick with the automatic transmission or upgrade to an all-wheel-drive (AWD) if your car’s make and model doesn’t already come standard with it.

Yuma Honda in Yuma, AZ, has an excellent collection of new and used cars. If you’re interested in buying one, explore our inventory of brand-new vehicles and used cars here!